QR Codes for Freelancers

Grow your business and get more clients with QR code solutions

From leveling up your portfolio to watermarks on your work, QR codes can be harnessed in dozens of ways for your freelance work.
American Express
Air Jordan
Get more clients
Your digital presence is just a scan away. Add QR codes to your work in the real world for instant connection to projects and social accounts.
[Industry - Freelancer] Get more clients
Business modernized
Ditch the paper business cards. QR codes on premium reusable ones let people scan directly to your contact info and portfolio.
[Industry - Freelancer] Business modernized
Insight for your clients
QR codes can track engagement in the real world. Propose them as a solution for your clients and get new data insights.
[Industry - Freelancer] Insight for your clients

How freelancers use QR codes

[Industries - Freelancer] Elevate your videos
Elevate your videos
Hosting a webinar or online event? Add a QR code to your video that drives to an offer or insight about your business or services.
[Industries - Freelancer] Watermark your projects
Watermark your projects
Embed QR codes on top of any photo or document you share with prospective clients.
[Industries - Freelancer] Receive payments with ease
Receive payments with ease
A QR code on a paper invoice can drive directly to a web page for payment.
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Tips for freelancers using QR codes
Have questions about QR codes? Get up to speed on how to create a Flowcode QR code.
Make your videos pop

Hosting a webinar or online event? Add a QR code to your video that drives an offer or insight about your business or services. QR codes are an easy way to get users to visit your website and engage with it. They’re also great for increasing the reach of your content by driving viewers back to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Here are some ways you can use QR codes in your videos. Host a live event — If you’re hosting an in-person event, such as a webinar, you can use QR codes to drive people back to your website and sign up for future events. Add a call-to-action — If you have a sales or lead generation goal for the video, add a QR code that links directly to that landing page on your website. This will help you track how many people are using it, which can help improve future videos if needed. Drive traffic — You can also use QR codes in videos to drive traffic back to one of your social media pages, such as Facebook or Twitter, where users can learn more about your company and engage with other content creators within those platforms. You can incorporate DIY QR code elements, choose from a series of templates, or work with our team of designers to create a custom code that fits the aesthetic of your brand.

Protect your projects

Many designers and photographers are afraid that if they watermark their work, it will ruin the aesthetic of their pictures or designs. But this is not true! There are several ways to add a watermark without ruining the aesthetics of your images. One of the easiest ways to do this is by adding a QR code over your photo. You can use this feature to embed a link to your website, blog, or social media page so that anyone who scans your image can find out more about you and connect with you online. This way, it's easy for people who want to hire you to get in touch with you directly — saving them time and effort. Flowcode uses dynamic QR codes, so you can change the destination at any time.

You can also use this feature to embed any other kind of custom text within your image so that people can read it when they scan it with their phone's camera app. Additionally, watermarks guarantee that you get paid for your work since you can send your client an unwatermarked version once they fulfill your invoice.

Share your portfolios with ease

QR codes are a way for freelancers to display their portfolio. They're an easy way to share your work, and they're very popular with businesses and artists alike.When it comes to QR codes, there are many options available. Some of these options are free, while others come with a price tag attached. If you're looking for an affordable portfolio QR code that gets the job done well, Flowcode is the way to go.

Flowcode allows you to customize your portfolio QR code immediately after purchasing it, so that it fits the aesthetic of your business or art project perfectly. You can also add links and text within the code itself, making it even more useful for sharing content with your followers or clients!

QR codes can be used in many different ways - from sharing your portfolio online or on social media, adding them to print materials like business cards or posters, or even just using them as a unique way of connecting with potential clients. Additionally, Flowcodes are dynamic QR codes, meaning that you can change the destination of the link at any time.

Key Flowcode features you get

A powerful suite of tools at your fingertips.
Unlimited Scans
Your Flowcode QR codes have no scan limits and never expire.
Custom Designed Code
Make a custom Flowcode featuring your colors, logo, and brand aesthetic.
Advanced Analytics
Gather robust first party data that unlocks insights about brand new offline customers.
FAQ's for QR codes for freelancers
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What is the best free QR Code?

Flowcode offers an eye-catching, incredibly secure QR code for free to make the most of your business’ links, PDFs, and more. With any of our plans, your code is editable at any time so you can change the webpage destination without having to reprint.

How do I create a QR code for my business?

Flowcode’s website allows you to create a QR code in under 60 seconds, for free! It’s three easy steps, and you can contact support if you run into any bumps in the road.

Can I create my own QR code for free?

Flowcode lets you create QR codes for free, and our codes never expire! They also can be changed at any time without having to reprint them, so your code can link to any URL, PDF, etc.