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How to use QR code analytics data to your benefit

Making the most of your QR code analytics
QR codes have been around for a while. However, only recently did they become one of the most popular ways to share information.
These unique codes have made advertising more interactive and effective; providing both audiences a simple way to dive deeper into a sales funnel. Here are a few examples of how QR codes are being used in marketing:
- QR codes can be found on billboards, posters, and signs all around us, bringing the offline, online.
- QR codes are used to help people with disabilities navigate buildings and learn more about what services are offered to help make their lives easier. These QRs are often found near the entrance of the building.
- QRs are found on packaged food, drinks, kiosks, event passes, and more.
Can you get analytics from a QR code?
Yes. Data from QR code analytics can tell you how people are using your QR codes. With this information, you can increase the effectiveness of your QR code strategy and make sure that you are getting the most out of your marketing efforts. Here are some analytics you can get from QR codes:
- Analytics tell brands what people are scanning and what they are not.
- You can use this data in many ways, such as understanding what people scan, how they scan it, and where they scan it.
- You can learn what times a QR code gets scanned the most—helping you gain insights into the exposure of your campaign.
- You get to know what kind of content grabs the attention of your target audience.
QR code analytics data can also be used to understand your audience better by seeing what the most popular colors are for certain items.
What data can you get from QR codes?
QR codes are a powerful and versatile tool for gathering data and analytics from offline sources. QR code analytics can help you gather a range of different data, such as:
Number of scans
QR codes are becoming more and more common, but the number of times a QR code has been scanned in a day is an accurate way to measure the success of a campaign. If your goal is to increase buzz for your project or to drive traffic to your website, you might want to consider sending out QR codes with a limited supply of information pointing back to your site where audiences can learn more.
Scans per day
Let's face it, the number of times a QR code has been scanned on a given day is not important unless you filter them for accuracy. But even if that's the case, you're probably not concerned with the number of scans per day as much as you are with how many people are scanning your QR code. A good QR solution ignores repeat scans and only considers unique scans. This gives you an accurate QR code analysis as opposed to inflated numbers.
User insights
There are three types of user insights that you can get from QR code analytics:
- Geographical location: This type of insight helps businesses understand the demographic makeup of their customer base, which can help them better target the right audience with advertising campaigns. You also know where your marketing campaigns are most effective, where they are not working, and how effective they are in different regions.
- Device information: It helps businesses understand how their visitors scan a QR code, which can help them improve the experience by providing more relevant content or making changes to improve the user experience.
Session-level insights: Session-level insights are insights that you get from analyzing data related to one individual session. Finding out how much content an average user spends on a single QR indicator is a reliable indicator of the quality of the campaign.

What are the advantages of using QR codes?
QR codes have a lot of benefits, and the following list is just the beginning!
- QR codes can provide quick information for users who may not have the time to go through long web pages or wait for an online web page to load up before they can read what it is about.
- They can provide website content and carry out marketing in offline environments.
- Target audiences can scan them from a distance while riding a bus or traveling in a car, and interactive experiences can be delivered to their devices right then and there.
- They can be printed on any kind of surface, and they are not limited by size.
- It can be a passive method of generating leads. Your target audience is more likely to scan a QR code than type out a URL or an address.
- You can share rich content and media using QR codes. You can have your QR code point to your commercial, fundraising campaign, or a map. The possibilities are endless.
- Apart from being trackable, QR codes invite someone to take action. Using QR codes for marketing is rising in popularity for this very reason.
How does the QR code track activity?
QR codes are typically seen as a low-tech solution for marketing, but in reality, they offer a lot more than meets the eye. QR codes can be used to track a customer’s activity across different platforms like Google Ads, Meta Ads, Instagram Ads, and more.
They also analyze accurate click through rates. QR codes are nothing but an invitation to visit something. It could be a website, a video, or anything else. But not every scan leads to a click. A robust QR solution with native QR code analytics baked into it measures how many of the people who scanned your code visited the embedded link.
Optimizing your analytics
QR codes have been around for some time now and are just now starting to become more popular. This QR code analytics data can help you plan your promotional campaigns, discover new audiences, and find out the demographics of a market. The use of QR code analytics data can benefit you by better understanding your audience and helping you reach them with the right content.
With this data, you can better target your audience and widen your reach. If you haven’t been leveraging the power of QR codes, maybe it’s time to do that now.
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