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Vision Unplugged is a Recording artist and Song Writer that understands the true vitality behind the artform of music as he uses it to not only influence but to positively impact every listener. since the early age of 9 he was heavily influenced to do music by his father “Ice Ski” from the music group “Damage.” As we all know music is a perfect embodiment of art in its truest form. It allows emotions to not only be expressed but to also be changed with the artist behind the art. The struggle is something that added the heartfelt lyrical content that grabs the listener’s attention in every record. This struggle is rooted in his childhood as he witnessed various shortcomings including living with many relatives and even public housing. You will hear him constantly reference his mom as he watched her carry many burdens on her own throughout his childhood and this is what fueled his drive and his passion to bring not only his mom out of poverty but his entire family. Vision understands that music is more than just his passion but he knows it can be very lucrative and impactful to every generation. He also knows that music is a perfect tool to bridge the gap between the secular and faith-based and this is what pushed him in the direction he is in with Independent Record Label, Gappstars Ent.